Hi, I am Matt Elliott a Web Developer based in
California with 10 years of Web
Development experience. I am highly proficient in all aspects of
Web Development and very enthusiastic
about building
powerful, yet elegant web applications that meet modern needs.
With a background in Graphic Design I bring
a passion for
clean, easy to use UI’s to every project I work on.
My mission is to help transform simple websites into robust
technical solutions that will put them ahead
of their competitors.
Lately, I have been getting very excited about AI and Machine
Learning creating a few basic GPTs and working with TensorFlow. I
am endevouring on my first Web/AI project and am excited to see
where it takes me next.
Recent Work
Currently, I am a team member at
International Medical Group
on the UX Team collaborating with designers, developers, and
business analysts to maintain and upgrade their existing AngularJS
site. During my time I have overseen several contractors from
yet effectively, onboarding them to performing pull request
reviews of their work. Lately, I have created a front end state
management system using NgRx and Angular2. This not only helps
organize our code better but also speeds up the application and
keeps our Angular components reusable and easy to maintain.
Working at BeatClub I helped thems scale up
from a starter Public Relation website to fully functioning
social network with hundreds of users signing up weekly. Working
with an international team we created the base structure for user
sign ups, profiles, and competitions. The front end was built with
React and I utilized NextJS to create static pages for portions of
the site that weren't updated frequently. The back end was built
with NodeJS, Express, and Sequelize. The site now receives
hundreds of new users weekly
and has a budding society of producers, musicians, and artists
collaborating together to create new music.
During COVID-19 I scaled up Online
Notary Center, working with a
very skilled Back End Engineer taking the demo app to fully
functioning SaSS product with active notaries
and dozens of jobs per day. The front end was built with Vanilla
JavaScript and Web Components creating a loose MVC format. Then
utilizing websockets the front end was able to communicate with
the PHP back end to allow users on separate computers/networks to
work on documents simultaneously. The system was built to be
responsive and scalable and now receives dozens of notaries daily.
- CSS3
- ES6
- Angular
- React
- ExpressJs
- NodeJS
- NextJS
- NgRx
- RxJs
- Unix